Wadih Choueri
Coach since 1998, Wadih works to facilitate access to a form of freedom and autonomy for everyone, associated with an understanding of oneself and one’s environment, in order to create new forms of interaction and cooperation rich with value and meaning. To do this, he acts through publications, conferences and individual and collective support : one to one executive coaching, team coaching, team building – taking up a new position, managing key moments, exercising authority, developing leadership.
He has taken several academic courses relating to science and humanities. To continue learning and developing, he further studied Interactional, Strategic, Systemic, Narrative, and Gestalt approaches, and Ericksonian hypnosis. He is also a teacher-researcher, specialising in personal development applied to the business world. His philosophy and practice are accompanied by high ethical values. His vision is strategic, his approach pragmatic and result-oriented. His focus is above all humanistic. Wadih is certified in Systemic Coaching, Gestalt coaching, Social therapy, Eriksonian hypnosis and the Narrative Approach. He teaches at University Paris II (8 years).
He contributed to the “Livre d’Or du Coaching” (Golden Book of Coaching) on the theme “Strategic coaching and quantum thinking”, Ed Eyrolles 2013. He is the author of “Retrouver le goût du travail” (Rediscovering the taste for work), Ed François Bourin 2016. He was interviewed in “Ces liens qui nous révèlent” (These links that reveal us), on the theme “Our light is born from our wounds”, Ed Leduc.s 2017. He is the author of “L’emprise au travail, la reconnaitre, la comprendre, s’en libérer” (The stranglehold of work, how to recognise it, understand it, and free yourself from it), Ed ESF Sciences Humaines, the result of 4 years of academic research. Under the direction of Patrick Obertelli, he is participating in an academic work “Faire société” (How to live and work together), on the theme “Between manipulation, exercise of control and self-fulfilment”, to be published at the end of 2021. Various publications within “Harvard Business Review”, “Forbes”, and “Entreprises & Carrières”.